Grab your hammer
Build a niche you can own.
I help solo consultants and creatives design a niche that sets them apart from the rest and positions them as the only real option for their ideal clients.
Grab your hammer
Do your clients see you as replaceable?
They don't know who you are or why they need you.
They don't get why you're different to all the others.
They don't see you as a trusted expert.
If the answer is yes, then you have a problem. Because if clients think you're replaceable, then they hold all the power. They can dictate how much you charge, how much you work, and probably what you eat for breakfast.

The general advice to combat this is to pick a niche. Simply specify a target client, narrow your service offering, and you'll be good to go. But if you've ever tried this, you'll know that a) it isn't easy, and b) it doesn't actually work.

That's why I advise solos to build a niche of their own.
A niche you choose...
...isn't actually focused.
Most solos pick an industry and a specialism and call it a day. But they still end up with too wide a focus.
...isn't actually exclusive.
Even if you pick a fairly specific niche, other freelancers will pick it too. So you'll still end up having to compete directly for clients.
...isn't actually yours.
If it's a niche any freelancer can pick, it isn't tailored to your unique skillset or perspective. You'll have to change to fit the niche.
A niche you build...
...focuses on one client.
Building your own niche means getting super-specific about the exact type of client you want to work with.
...makes you the only option.
Building your own niche means you'll be the only one in it, and so you'll be the only real option for your target clients.
...shows your unique strength.
Building your own niche means focusing on your very own blend of experience, expertise, and opinions so you stand out.
I'll help you define and deliver the three building blocks of your niche.
Block 1:

A specific ideal client profile that you can give the most value to.
Block 2:

A big painkiller problem that your ideal client is struggling to solve.
Block 3:

A unique solution to that problem that utilises your superpower.
Here's What you get...
We'll meet once a week for an hour-long call where we'll work together to build your niche. You'll also have access to a Notion dashboard with frameworks and call recordings for your reference. Oh, and you'll have direct DM access to me via Slack and LinkedIn.
The answers are already in your head. I'll be there with proven frameworks to get them out into the real world where they belong.

Solos love to get distracted by the next shiny idea. I'll be there to make sure those distractions don't derail you from your niche.

This is as much about mindset as anything else. I'll be there to ease doubts, boost your confidence, and help you see it all through.

per month.
[Payment taken at the start of each calendar month.]
[20% discount]
one-off payment.
[You can then move to rolling after your three months are over.]
Still got questions?
Here's an FAQ. Hopefully that'll cover it. If not, feel free to send me an email or message me on LinkedIn and I'll clarify anything you want to know.
Is there a minimum commitment?
Nope. You can cancel anytime. But I recommend doing 3 months minimum. That gives us enough time to define your niche, nail down your messaging, and start writing content around it.
Do you follow a set roadmap?
I'd say it's a semi-set roadmap. Clearly each individual is different and so priorities might change. But roughly speaking...

Month 1 is all about defining the foundations of your niche.

Month 2 is about building out your offer and processes.

Month 3 is about setting up your content system and sales funnel.
Do you write stuff for me?
Not directly. But if you aren't a confident writer then we can have co-writing and feedback sessions to level up your skills and give you more confidence.
What if I'm not a solo creative or consultant?
While that's my sweet spot, I can help other types of solos such as coaches or small biz owners (less than 5 people). But feel free to reach out anyway and if I think we're a good fit we can give it a go.
Is there a big time commitment?
You get out what you put in. Aside from the weekly calls, I recommending spending a couple of hours a week working on the homework tasks I'll give you. So a rough estimate would be 3-5 hours a week.
Do you do one-off sessions?
I do, but you'll get way more value from my full program. If you insist on one-offs I offer Power Hour sessions for £300 or half-day strategy workshops for £750. Just let me know if you want to book either of those in.
Stop. Hammer time.
Ready to start building your own niche? Then hit the button below to book in a quick no-strings-attached call to see if we're a good fit.
Grab your hammer